mardi 28 juin 2011

My alcoholism - The end of darkness and the begining of a new life - Part ten

I've been talking a lot about my drinking problems, my patterns, my ways to be, and what i was living during these days, these months, these years where at the end, i was in a living hell. Now, i can say, without being pretentious, what it is to suffer from alcohol.

The better decision that i made in my life was to go to this fabulous rehab center.
Finally, i expose some issues about drinking, and living in the shadows of our sadness cause by alcohol. There's always a way to get out of this life of lies with ourselves and with other people.

I introduce my rehab decision and the next videos will focus on this time i'll never forget in the place where i cured myself.

My alcoholism - The end of darkness and the begining of a new life - Part ten from Andre Halle on Vimeo.